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DROP, Now What?

DROP, Now What?

So you're in DROP, but now what?

For FRS members navigating the transition out of the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP), our webinar offers essential guidance. It delves into critical aspects like the DROP exit process, managing and investing your DROP funds, understanding tax implications, and making informed decisions about option selection and DROP participation cancellation. Additionally, it explores the strategic role of DROP in enhancing your retirement income. This webinar is a vital resource for those seeking to optimize their retirement planning and ensure a smooth transition to post-DROP life.

Register below for this webinar covering:

  • What is the DROP exit process like?

  • What are the investment options for my DROP funds?

  • How will my DROP funds be taxed?

  • Can I change my option selection while in DROP?

  • Can I cancel my DROP participation?

  • What role will DROP have in supplementing my income?

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